The St. Louis Post-Dispatch‘s headline identifies whose side it comes down on: Casino’s parking is hijacked:
How much is too much to pay to park a car in downtown St. Louis?
At the very least, it’s a bit less than $25, according to the President Casino on the Admiral.
In an apparent power play over control of the much-disputed “Cherrick” parking lot, its owner has jacked up more than tenfold the price the President pays for customers to use the lot.
So it’s the owner hijacking its own property. Well, sort of. As I read the article, the owner wants to squeeze the government-subsidized entertainment venue (the President Casino) into buying the parking garage before the new government-subsidized entertainment venue (the new casino and go-kart track) seizes the property for a “fair” price. Somewhere in there I got confused about the blighted area infighting for the same profitable resource and stopped paying attention.
Which is probably just what they wanted. All the better to rule me.