You know why they have expiration dates on yogurt? Because that’s how long it takes the fruit in fruit yogurt to ferment. Dude, I know a guy –he’s a friend of a friend to you–who bought a couple twelve packs of Dannon marked down because they were going to expire, and he put them in his fridge. A week later he’s hungry, and its three days after their expiration date, but he ate a couple of them and got a buzz, so he ate them all. He got so wasted on yogurt that he blacked out and woke up in his backyard wearing nothing but his Playboy robe.
I guess the yogurt manufacturers put those dates on them so the grocery stores won’t sell them to underage people. But if you want some cheap liquor without an ID card, you should look through the grocery stores’ dairy cases for the old yogurt. Sometimes, you can even find stuff that’s already expired.
Go ye forth, and pass it on. You know it’s true, because it happened to a friend of this guy you know, and you read it on the Internet. That’s double-checked accurate.