Everyone Needs a Hobby

In this story, entitled “Rogue pilot ruffles feathers on migration“, we discover that some people do their part to improve the world by flying planes to lead migrating cranes south for the winter.

And sometimes those crazy calhouns get upset:

As a pilot, crane impersonator and chief executive officer of Operation Migration – the whooping crane migration organization – Duff’s emotional well-being relies upon making sure his cranes are happy and healthy.

So when a rogue ultralight pilot recently sneaked up behind his craft and cranes – as the whoopers were migrating south over Illinois’ Lee and DeKalb counties – Duff’s mood darkened.

“For the most part, the ultralight community has been very respectful” about the crane project, he said. If they see Duff and his flying family coming, they get out of the way and land.

But this time, an unidentified pilot decided to come in for a closer look.

“I’d seen them ahead of me – maybe about a mile or so in front,” he said. There were two crafts, he said. And they moved off to the side.

Not long after that, he noticed that his birds were falling out of formation and trying to fly ahead of him.

At first, this didn’t ruffle him too much.

The cranes see Duff and his plane as their parent. And, like any kid, they’ll occasionally challenge their sire’s authority. When young cranes do this during migration, they fly ahead.

But this time, Duff said, the birds looked more frightened than sassy. That’s when he realized something was wrong.

He was being tailed.

Man, there’s so much snark to be had that I only have time to offer a sample:

  • In its white papers, Operation Migration probably describes itself as the leading migration organization which delivers value in a rapid-flight market or something. The migration organization.
  • In addition to oppressing women, killing dissidents, and funding terror, most Middle East societies probably don’t personally lead migratory birds to their winter (or wet season) habitats. Time to liberate some seedcrackers.
  • Dude’s wife, if he’s married, has probably resigned herself to marriage with an adulterer, whether that’s the case or not. Come on, “Honey, I’m going to fly the birds to Texas this week”? She’s probably even mad at him for not lying better.
  • The fellow, in addition to being the leading defender of cranes, is also the leading proponent of an annual season on ultralights.

Bah, that’s enough for now.

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