I’m An FBI Agent….Female Body Inspector

Because Federal law enforcement is running out of things to do, our legislators are now going to make video voyeurism a Federal crime. Here’s a wonderful quote from Wisconsin representative James Senselessbrainer:

“With the development of smaller cameras and the instantaneous distribution capability of the Internet, the issue of video voyeurism is a huge privacy concern,” House Judiciary chairman F. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wisc., said after the vote on the second bill.

Also newly illegal on the Federal level: selling “counterfeit labels” attached to copyrighted material including DVDs, CDs or computer programs.

Keep this in mind the next time you gather pitchforks and torches and stakes to march on John Ashcroft’s castle or raise your voice into the harmonized kennel whine bemoaning how George W. Bush is crushing civil liberties and implementing a police state, remember who’s really giving the executive branch the powers it uses.

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