It Wasn’t Me

As previous co-workers can attest, I have always been, well, let’s just say “open to the [negative] possibilities” about the fiscal and marketplace health of my employers.

This reputation means I must firmly refute that this internal MCI memo refers to me at all:

It has come to my attention, that there is a small group of employees who are extremely negative in the work environment (and vocally so), about the future of a) MCI; and b) their current job status in Ashburn. I’m not sure what’s driving the doubt or the negative commentary, but I can tell you that it is unprofessional and I ask that you direct your concerns to me, directly, versus continuing the disruptive commentary with other colleagues.

Let me say unequivocally that I have never been to Ashburn.

And in case you’re wondering, my current employer’s position in the marketplace is non-existent and his fiscal position is tenuous, at best.

It’s less satisfying when you’re self-employed, though. Also, I have no coworkers with which to kvetch.

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