Pejmanesque links to a Washington Post review of Ann Coulter’s Treason and Tammy Bruce’s THE DEATH OF RIGHT AND WRONG: Exposing the Left’s Assault on Our Culture and Values.
Anne Applebaum, the reviewer, says:
Yet about halfway through Treason, an extended rant on these subjects, I felt a strong urge to get up, throw the book across the room, and join up with whatever Leninist-Trotskyite-Marxist political parties still exist in America.
As I often suggest, Anne, get those books with which you are wont to disagree, particularly the more screedulous, in trade paperbacks so they’re suitable for throwing and stomping. My copy of Stupid White Men has been flung and crushed to the very brink of losing pages. If you’re reviewing galleys or advanced review copies, they should be safe for the throw.
Bonus question: Ann Coulter has escalated her criminal allegations against liberals from Slander to Treason in just one book. Wouldn’t it have been wiser to have different, intermediate level crimes between the two books. Perhaps Arson or Grand Theft Auto or Photographing Missouri Animal Research Facilities. Instead, by going directly to the most capital of crimes, how can Coulter escalate the rhetoric further? Will her next book be called Genocide or Crimes Against Humanity, or has she titled herself into a corner?