Things That Annoy Brian J., Number ∞

The cardboard twelve-pack cartons that convince you they’re soda dispensers.

They’re oriented so the cans are on their sides, which means that if you tear them to act as a dispenser by tearing the top of one end comes off with perforations, it leaves a half of the end glued to hold the cylinders in. However, one often over-tears or loosens the glue holding the bottom part of the end, leading to unwanted dispensation.

Also, they ensure that they consume the cubic volume of 12 cans in your refrigerator whether they contain 11 cans or only 1.

My oldest has taken to bringing them home and opening them according to the instructions. After which I empty them and stand the cans on their ends properly in the refrigerator to make room for delicious leftovers, and that lasts a couple of days until the next twelve packs arrive.

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