I had a couple of minutes to kill before picking my children up from school yesterday, and instead of going to Hooked on Books and spending a couple minutes browsing the dollar books, I went to a nearby antique mall to browse.
Which led to buying some records, and often for more than a dollar each.
I got four for a total of like ten bucks.
The list includes:
- Just Sylvia by Sylvia because I get Internet celebrity when I buy Sylvia albums.
- Another Place by Hiroshima. They must have had some sort of following here in Springfield, since their LPs show up from time to time. Since the band itself has been active from 1979 to now, I guess I’ll have to get some of their work on CDs.
- Billy Preston & Syreeta, a collection of duets from the eponymous R&B singers.
- Who’s Fooling Who by R&B group One Way (definitely not to be confused with One Direction).
Note that the last features a woman in lingerie on the phone:
This is not the first record in my collection with that motif:
You might think to yourself, “Brian sure buys a lot of records with pretty women on the cover,” and I’d like to remind you of what I said in 2013:
If “pretty woman on the cover” were the only criterion, though, I’d own a lot more Sylvia albums today.
<moment of self awareness>Oh.</moment of self awareness>
In my defense, my accummulation of records is reaching such a level that I can find numerous motifs in them.
For example, take the back side of the One Way album:
The two cigarettes and two wine glasses motif appears on other albums such as:
Jackie Gleason presents Music for Lovers Only and:
Music for Romancing, which also features a woman reclined.
What was my point? I am not sure I had one. Although I’m pretty sure I need to get to building the record shelves that I’ve been promising or threatening for over a year now.
(For more motif comparison in record covers, see this and this. I’m no LP Cover Lover, except that I am. And I can see the blooming things, unlike the thumbnails of the cover art one sees in computer-based music players.)