Where Are The Vapors?

I received a sweepstakes packet from Readers Digest today:

A check from the treasurer's department!
Click for full size

What I want to know is where are the news outlets and lefty blogs on this one? The GOP sends out a fundraising mailer which really isn’t so much a survey as a fundraising vehicle with the word CENSUS on it, and everyone foams at the mouth about the mean Republicans trying to trick its previous contributors into contributing again or something, but here you have a stodgy old magazine trying to entice senior citizens to enter their contest by mimicking an IRS tax refund, and we get nothing.

So, gentle reader, I will leave it to you to gauge whether the people who shriek like a struck Porkins are entirely earnest in their concern for the gulls beneath them or if they simply don’t know anyone who subscribes to Readers Digest to see what the old people are reading (like they contribute or sign up for GOP communications to see what the ENEMIES are saying and doing).

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Sadly, True

A former classmate of mine, a doctor of rhetoric at a state university, posts a clever quip from a colleague:

“I have come to the conclusion that, if Dems get control, they pass laws requiring seat belts for cats. If Reps get control, they pass laws prohibiting unions. I’ll take the seat belt laws for cats.”

Sadly, this is in true.

When the Democrats have unfettered control of Congress and the presidency, they seek to compel citizens’ behavior in increasingly silly, minute, and trivial ways.

When Republicans have unfettered control of Congress, they seek to remove compulsory participation in self-perpetuating organizations without whose membership, citizens cannot hold certain jobs.

Sadly, the analogy isn’t true; six years of Republican control brought us an expansion of Medicare, No Child Left Behind, and BCRA instead of any decrease in Federalization.

I need to start a whole series called Arguing on Facebook to highlight how unreasonable even the most educated liberals in my circle are.

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Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others

The Canadian premier flies to Miami for a heart procedure and is unapologetic:

An unapologetic Danny Williams says he was aware his trip to the United States for heart surgery earlier this month would spark outcry, but he concluded his personal health trumped any public fallout over the controversial decision.

In an interview with The Canadian Press, Williams said he went to Miami to have a “minimally invasive” surgery for an ailment first detected nearly a year ago, based on the advice of his doctors.

“This was my heart, my choice and my health,” Williams said late Monday from his condominium in Sarasota, Fla.

“I did not sign away my right to get the best possible health care for myself when I entered politics.”

Unfortunately, the rest of the Canadian public did sign that away when they exited Canadian birth canals.

Sadly, check this out:

“I would’ve been criticized if I had stayed in Canada and had been perceived as jumping a line or a wait list. … I accept that. That’s public life,” he said.

He acknowledges there are waiting lists in Canada for the lesser procedure, and he also acknowledges he would have gone to the front of the line had he remained in Canada for it.

Equality of outcomes means equally bad outcomes for all. People who are so hungry for health care control have their hearts in the right places sometimes, but frankly, have no sense to speak of.

(Link seen on Troglopundit.)

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The Basic Misunderstanding

Sarah Silverman, apparently a comedienne of some sort, expresses a basic misunderstanding of marriage in an interview with USA Today Weekend:

Are you interested in ever getting married? [Her last relationship was with talk-show host Jimmy Kimmel.]

I’m interested in having and finding that person for life, but marriage is barbaric. I wouldn’t be a part of it, especially now. Why would anyone want government involved in their love? I think it’s a disgusting club to be in where people who love people of the same sex aren’t allowed.

That’s strange sentiment from someone who mentions her religion earlier in the interview. But perhaps, to the hippy dippy East Coast liberal Jews (her characterization of her household, not my anti-Semitism, thanks), it’s the government’s world and we’re just living in it.

I mean, marriage is a religious and traditional institution sanctioned by the government. Someone with a religious or traditional bent would probably think first of the sanctity of the ceremony, the relationship of the two people in the marriage and their deity, et cetera and et cetera.

Nah, it’s a government thing, and opposing it because the government doesn’t let gay people do it is the hippy dippy liberal thing to do. So Ms. Silverman won’t be crushing any wine glasses because 1)She protests and 2)She must think of marriage as a licensing thing and a JOP thing (Justice of the Peace thing, not misspelled JAP thing, come on).

I’m scoring a conservative trifecta here, I suspect. I’m talking about gay marriage and about a Jewish woman’s characterization thereof. It’s not often one can be homophobic, misogynist, and anti-semitic in one post. Ha! Just kidding. Conservatives do it all the time whenever they use any noun!

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Every Election Is A New Day

The city of Branson, Missouri, has a novel idea: its new elected officials don’t like a contract signed by the previous elected officials, so they’ll just say that contract is unconstitutional:

Nearly four years after the city of Branson agreed to pay a privately-operated airport $8.24 for every out-of-town passenger it brings in, new municipal officials are questioning if such a contract is constitutional.

“The bottom line is our concern that it can be construed as a taxpayers’ subsidy of a private business,” said Branson City Administrator Dean Kruithof.

Get your banana republic on! Let’s tear up all agreements every two to four years. Because we’re a nation of men, not laws, now.

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But Let’s Not Make Him President Yet

Congratulations to Scott Brown for winning the Senate seat in Massachusetts.

He seems likeable enough; Bookworm calls him a rising star. He’s plugged into how to work the Internet, he can make the skies rain money, and he’s pretty and speaks well.

Let’s not run him for President in 2012.

Because we know that the career path of State Senator -> Senator for less than a term does not yield a good President, even if he’s on our side.

Also, I’m still a Palinsky.

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Sex Offenders, Constitution On The Same Side

The Springfield News-Leader has a sensational headline: Court sides with sex offenders.

The Missouri Supreme Court on Tuesday sided with two sex offenders, ruling they cannot be barred from handing out Halloween candy and living within 1,000 feet of schools and child care centers because those restrictions weren’t in place when they were convicted.

Missouri enacted the sex offender restrictions in 2008 and 2004, respectively, several years after either man was convicted. Citing a provision in the state constitution that bars retroactive laws, a divided Supreme Court ruled 4-3 that it would be unconstitutional to force the men to comply.

Huh. Ex post facto laws are unconstitutional. You mean the legislature cannot make my actions yesterday illegal tomorrow and punish me for obeying the law at the time I did something?

Oh, these sex offenders are the current devils against whom any action is proper. I believe that sex offenders are currently the vanguard of the concept of rule of law. Because face it, most people in the mob of our society would bring back crucifixion for these guys if they could. And then it would be crucifixion for lesser crimes. And lesser crimes still.

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How Will That Play To The Tea Party Crowd?

You know the tea party people, the ones who take off of work to travel to Washington, D.C., to protest? The ones who skip lunches to march in front of their Congressional representatives offices? The ones who show up on Saturday because they don’t like health control reform?

How do you think they’ll like it that the Senate Republican leadership gave in a little early so everyone could go home early for Christmas?

The Senate will still be in session Christmas Eve day, but Democrats and Republicans have agreed to give health care reform a final vote starting at 8 a.m. — 11 hours earlier than originally scheduled. Majority Leader Harry’s Reid’s announcement means that the Senate will be able to finish its business in time for many senators and staffers to get home for the Christmas holiday.

Do you think that will endear the GOP leaders who like their jobs and their perks and their chances to go home early with people who want to fight this thing tooth and nail, all the way?

I think not.

More at Ace of Spades HQ.

The GOP leadership better start thinking about how to show the tea party people that they, too, are serious about principles.

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Democratic Party Barking at Shadows

The Missouri State Democratic Party intends to file an ethics complaint because a Congressman explained his vote to his constituents:

The Missouri Democratic Party is crying foul over a mailer U.S. Rep. Roy Blunt’s office sent to 7th District residents addressing his vote against cap and trade legislation that aims to reduce greenhouse gases.

The League of Conservation Voters has spent more than $500,000 in November and December, airing a television ad throughout Missouri, targeting Blunt for his vote against the legislation last summer.

Blunt’s office mailed a four-page glossy pamphlet to constituents this week — at taxpayer expense — to explain why he voted against the legislation, which he says would lead to a national energy tax on coal and raise the price of electricity and goods.

A Congressman communicating with his constituents? Heaven forfend! One might see why the Democratic Party thinks elected officials should not communicate with the people who elected those officials since Democratic congressmen can often only offer the argument “Nancy Pelosi told me to” or “Nancy Pelosi gave me earmarks to” for their votes.

As a bonus, now Robin “The Ghostwriter” Carnahan can say that Roy Blunt is under an ethical cloud–filed by her own party over a pretty obviously manufactured incident.

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More Dangerous Right Wing American Tea Party Protestors

Taking to the streets, smashing things up:

Police have forced back hundreds of protesters who tried to break through a perimeter fence at the UN climate summit venue in Copenhagen.

The Bella Centre, where the conference is taking place, has now been shut off, says the BBC’s Sarah Mukherjee.

When conservatives take to the streets, Democrats in office characterize them as violent mobs. When leftists take to the streets, they are violent mobs.

But as long as Democrats think that television makes the reality, the cognitive dissonance will ring.

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The Secret

How does a couple not on the guest list bypass White House security to get into the premises to mingle with the President and all the President’s men? However does one get through a tight net composed of the Secret Service, the military, and “You asked for miracles, Theo, I give you the FBI”?

By being swarthy, communicating with terrorists, and arguing for Jihad when told they’re not on the list. Same as everyone else.

Somehow, this thought was more wry and amusing before I wrote it. Sorry.

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County Government Has Official Lobbyist

Do you think there’s a problem with this?

    St. Louis County’s chief governmental lobbyist announced late Monday night that he would resign his position with County Executive Charlie A. Dooley’s staff in favor of a career as an independent political consultant.

    Darin Cline, Dooley’s one-time campaign director who was appointed to the county job of director of intergovernmental affairs in 2007, said the move had nothing to do with persistent rumors that he was the subject of any federal investigation into county government.

I’m not talking about his leaving nor the rumors of corruption. I marvel that the St. Louis County government has a highly paid staff position whose sole purpose (and his whole staff’s sole purpose) is to lobby other governments for money.

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Consistency Ain’t Even A River In Egypt

On the national scale, the Republican Party and rightwing commentators say that proper health care reform would include allowing insurance parties to sell across state lines and eliminating state mandates for coverage.

On the state scale, Republican state legislators push for more mandates:

“We know if we pass legislation, we will give these children a better shot,” Sen. Eric Schmitt, R-Glendale, said Sunday at a rally supporting legislation requiring insurance companies to cover therapy for children with autism.

The Republican Party is a large, diverse organization. But sometimes I wonder if it has any core principles. Less government mandating does not seem to be a common bond.

Full disclosure: Senator Schmitt represents my district and is actually part of my township party club.

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It Might Be About Race

Obama’s approval rating drops among whites:

    After a summer of health care battles and sliding approval ratings for President Barack Obama, the White House is facing a troubling new trend: The voters losing faith in the president are the ones he had worked hardest to attract.

    New surveys show steep declines in Obama’s approval ratings among whites, including Democrats and independents, who were crucial elements of the diverse coalition that helped elect the country’s first black president.

The article poses its own push-poll style point, that whites are abandoning Obama–because of race? However, it would be just as sound to ask, “Are blacks sticking with Obama because he’s black?”

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