The Triathlon Cheaters

I’m not talking about people who participate in relays, where different people do different legs of a single triathlon. Nor am I talking about people who actually cheat at triathlons. For example, those who know how to swim.

No, I am talking about the official IRONMAN® reading glasses I saw at Walmart.

Come to think of it, most of the serious triathletes I know are getting near 50 years old these days no matter how much the local timing company owner and running enthusiast tries to get kids into the sport, it’s members are aging. Perhaps because one must generally hit a certain level of age and middle class to have time for all the training–which includes, generally, an expensive bike and a membership or daily drop-in fees for a pool that supports lap swimming (or going to a lake, I suppose, for open water swimming). It’s not hockey, by any means, but it is not a sport without cost. Which older people can pay in cash and in time.

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