ABC Books Sets The Bait

I saw this on ABC Books’ Facebook page the other day:

Of course, I have to have it.

I actually own the Tennyson volume in the set. Actually, I somehow ended up with two copies of the Tennyson volume, one of which I have to my mother-in-law, a former English teacher.

I think my volume is already in the poetry section of the read shelves along with several older volumes of verse that I have not actually read. And a paperback copy of Wordsworth that I try to read from time to time. Back in the old days, I would sometimes put poetry collections on the read shelves, especially omnibus editions or complete collection kinds of works. Now, I put them on the to-read shelves for eventual, maybe, reading.

At any rate, the race is on between me going to ABC Books and either buying this book or finding it’s too expensive for a casual purchase and me forgetting about it entirely. Las Vegas gives the odds in favor of the latter.

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