Aiiiiiiiiieeee! My Eyes

Courtesy of a French, or Quebecker, reader, or perhaps someone who wanted to yank my chain, Google translated my page into French today. I think I’ll take a poll of what looks the most wrong on the page. My vote: un “certain branleur.” Kim du Toit, sur la bibliothèque de Noggle. Being berated by Kim […]

So-Called Watch

Adam Entous of Reuters shows Matthew Hoye or Phil Hirshkorn the true power of this fully-operational battle idiom: Democrat John Kerry will dispatch two fellow Vietnam veterans to President Bush’s secluded Texas ranch on Wednesday to press him to condemn television advertisements accusing Kerry of lying about his wartime service. The move comes one day […]

My Time is Coming

All six of you daily readers knew it before I did, but this blog will take me to success. Why, just today I received this recognition in my Hotmail Junk E-Mail folder: Dear Webmaster,   I am writing to you because I am exchanging links with some of the best business related websites on the web, […]

Brian and the Argotnots

Today, friends and readers, I coin for your amusement a term in the testers’ cant, a secret language spoken to confound developers. Just as developers confound us with talk of materialized views, mainClasses, and environmental PATH variables (all of which we testers know to be fictional), we testers have devised our own secret language with […]

Take Two

Clap the, well, clapboard, for the St. Louis Post Dispatch has a new reason to oppose the discontinuation of emissions testing in the St. Louis area: In 1999, Robert Bowers, a buyer for the Office of Administration, signed a contract on behalf of the state with Environmental Systems Products, a Connecticut-based company that runs the […]

The Bottom of the Slippery Slope?

Oh, how they mocked me last year when I shook my head about St. Peters, Missouri, arresting underage teenagers for taking pornographic videos to sell to their fellow high school students. (I went into greater detail about the absurdity the next day.) Can you get any more absurd than charging children for exploiting children? The […]

Announcing the Kittinger Award

Andrew Sullivan has a number of awards that he dishes out to people who say something foolish. It’s high time I was self-important enough to announce a special award and give it out periodically. Ergo, I hereby announce the Joseph Kittinger, Jr., Award for Demonstrable Manliness, named after Joseph Kittenger, Jr., who had gall as […]


Wizbang! points out that the story in this post about a guy who wore a devil costume to see The Passion of the Christ was a spoof. But it can’t be. I saw it on Fark, so it’s gotta be true. Next you’re going to tell me is that the things in their photography ontests […]

A Stay at the Compulsory Resort

Just in time to take advantage of the new jail-term-for-illegal-parking described below, St. Charles, Missouri, has decided it’s going to send a bill to lodgers in its Compulsory Resort, previously known as the city jail: The County Council voted Tuesday night to require such inmates to set up installment repayment plans within six months after […]