A Positive Spin on a Recession

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch front page headline on Sunday put a positive spin on any potential recession or economic slowing:

Recessions cause belt-tightening

That is: A recession would have a positive impact on the obesity epidemic in America! I mean, if you’re tightening your belt, you’re losing weight, am I right?

Apparently, the Post-Dispatch thought it over and didn’t want any positive spin on it at all, which is why the story is entitled As the economy slips, consumer face tough choices.

Still, a recession or, even better, a depression, would get Americans back down to sustenance level calories, which would no doubt prepare us for a post-Kyotoesque-treaty economy.

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Regardless of the Adjective, More Money Needed

MoDOT: Roads safer, more money needed

Do you get the sense that if the roads were less safe, more money would be needed anyway?

Roads remain the same….more money needed!

Flying cars invented, more money needed to convert the roads to bike paths!

Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads? More money needed to subsidize production of organic garbage for the Mr. Fusion.

Come on, everybody play “Think Inside The Bureaucratic Box”!

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