New Term: Googlebopping

It’s similar to a Googlebomb or a Googlewhack, but it’s this: when someone tries to find a set of search terms to use to conduct a Google search that will link to a certain blog so that you can see if your search terms appear in that blog’s round-up of weird search engine queries.

For example:

  1. Go to Google.
  2. Search for betty naked with Mr Weatherbee.
  3. Click through on the Dustbury link.
  4. Watch for your search terms to appear in one of his Strange Search Engine Queries posts.

Other blogs to try this with include Munchkin Wrangler and View from the Porch.

I know, you think I have too much time on my hands. The problem is that I don’t have enough time on my hands to do anything productive. Instead, I have just enough time to come up with harebrained schemes like this.

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Telling Metric

You know, President Obama was apparently on the television doing an hour-long presentation about health care control. And you know what I find a telling statistic about the perceived importance of this event?

Where were the drunkbloggers?

VodkaPundit didn’t cover it. Instapundit didn’t link to any.

It cannot be an important policy presentation without drunkblogging.

Ergo, nobody in the blogosphere must have taken it seriously.

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Where The Humor Goes Awry

You know, you would think, “What’s there for Brian not to like?” It’s a Web site with cat pictures and captions with a name sort of like an affinity to one of my blogs:

I mean, it’s meh a bit relative to and But I tolerated it for a few clicks until I got to this entry.

Vulgarity+Cheney=Comedy Gold!

Well, no, not so much. That’s just juvenile, really. I mean, I do from time to time run to a little schizophrenic satire about politicians with whom I do not agree, but simply saying Fuck <politician> isn’t any sort of intelligent humor no matter how you package it, Ms. Cho.

Maybe the site will be worthwhile after the author emerges from puberty at the age of 40 or so.

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I See CB and Raise Him

CB, because some of the people we know in common read this blog daily, thinks I have pull, so he keeps sending me tips like this:

my buddy’s blog he just created

As though a mention on this blog will send torrents of readers his way.

Brother, I see your antiobamassiah and raise you Michelle Obama Suicide Watch.

(My link stolen from Ace, who, in his defense, is not my friend.)

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Party Hardy

…it is only those who half know a thing that write about it. Those who know it thoroughly don’t take the trouble.

           Thomas Hardy, A Pair of Blue Eyes

It does, however, keep the blogosphere humming along.

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Is That What I Said?

Sorry, I seem to have deployed some confusing sarcasm with this post. Here’s how the Kansas City Star‘s Prime Buzz characterizes it:

Musings from Brian J. Noggle contends that cutting the most expensive people from the public health care rolls is not a solution.

Allow me to be clear: The solution is to cut them all and allow the free market to bring prices down. If people cannot afford it, families and charities cover. Government programs will eventually either tax the citizenry to death or have to use faceless and blameless bureaucratic means to cuts costs, which means denying health care to expensive cases.

Cutting the most expensive people from the public health care rolls is a solution. An efficient government solution that actually replicates the practices of the private industry it’s trying to replace.

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Whatever Happened To….?

Remember that Stupid as Kryptonite (or some such) guy? In the old days, apparently people linked to him and he got an early paid blogging job for a left-leaning consortium or something? You ever wonder what happened to him?

Me, either; I didn’t think about him until he sent me an e-mail trying to sell me counterfeit software:

Like Kryptonite to High Software License Prices!

Oh, how the mitey have fallen.

(Sure, it could be a random combination of names built by a spambot. But which narrative would you prefer to perfect your reality?)

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