And Now You Know…. The Rest Of The Story

Not so much the rest of the story as an epilogue. Bayou Renaissance Man asks: Do you remember the Gimli Glider?

Gentle reader, of course I do. I read the book about it, Freefall, in 2004 on a plane on a trip to Florida, where I spent some time talking to my beautiful wife’s uncle, a former Pratt and Whitney engineer who could tell you what happened in any number of air disasters. Because I don’t like to fly, you see.

At any rate, the epilogue is that the pilot and one of the passengers some decades later met at a reunion and got together. How sweet.

And not as crazy as the stewardess who stayed in the industry and recounted how she flew in that plane again during the course of her career (which is in the book). One such incident, and I would have found another line of work. I have not even had one such incident, and I still prefer driving vacations even when the driving takes me on narrow Arkansas highways.

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