Good Book Hunting, November 27, 2021: ABC Books

As I mentioned, I was going to go and went to ABC Books on Saturday for a book signing.

So I picked up a couple of books, but no Leibniz.

I got:

  • Little Thoughts With Love by Anne Geddes. Brian J., are you getting collections of twee staged baby pictures paired with meme wisdom to pad out your annual book reading total? Of course I am! Watch for an equally twee book report this week as I review this book during today’s football game.
  • Terse Verse, poems by Roberta Page. A Carleton Press book, which is an old timey vanity press where you designed, laid out, and printed a couple hundred copies of your book to try to sell. None of that self-published print-on-demand wussy stuff you have today. Back then, you really had to believe and pay cash up front.
  • In Praise of East Central Illinois, a 1976 chapbook by Alex Sawyer.
  • The Poetry Home Reoair Manual by Ted Kooser. The subtitle is Practical Advice for Beginning Poets. I might find some useful tips in here, or I might throw it across the room. A quick flip indicates poetry with very short lines, so at least I will learn the justification for crap.
  • What Comes Before Dawn by Addison Michael, a mystery by a local author.
  • The Science of Takedowns, Throws & Grappling for Self-Defense by Martina Sprague. Apparently, ABC Books got a single new martial arts book, and I bought it. When Mrs. E. saw that I grabbed it, she smiled, because we’ve talked about how fast martial arts books move through the store before.
  • Philosophical Problems of Natural Science edited, presumably, by Dudley Shapere. A collection of essays about philosophy and natural science by probably philosophers contemporaneous to the publication date of 1965. I don’t recognize any of the names.
  • Change for the Poor by Mark F. McKnelly, the signing author. He works for a local organization helping the homeless. It’s been decades since I read Opting for the Poor, a Catholic call to action for helping the poor. I am not sure how soon I will dig into this one.

Earlier this year, I made a point of trying to read all the books I bought at ABC Books on various trips. However, as this trip brought some heady material as well as an increasing number of books per trip, I don’t know that I’ll get through all of these any time soon.

Ah, well, I still have a faint hope that medical science will keep me alive for the centuries it will take me to read all my books.

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