Brian J. Pulls The Loud Handle

Gentle reader, I am in the process of leaving my full-time job and returning to the world of contracting, or maybe later another full-time job, but it certainly means an interesting time coming up. I have left with but the offer of a part-time contract with one of my favorite clients from the past and the joy of being a bit more self-determining again. It comes as I near the three year mark with my current posting, which historically has been the time I’ve gotten itchy feet at other jobs and after some soul-searching in the current dying time.

Still, I cannot help wonder how irresponsible it makes me or what a poor provider/father I am to leave steady employment for the unknown.

But at least The Kimble Group has me covered as far as new opportunity goes:

I wonder if they reach out to me with any job opening in southwest Missouri regardless of if it matches my LinkedIn profile or not.

I make fun of it, but if I cannot resuscitate my contracting company, I might be looking for anything in the future. So perhaps I should be a bit more humble. Good advice in any case except maybe for blogging, because who likes to read humble blogs?

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