I know, you come here for the incisive political coverage, gentle reader (well, reader of 2004, maybe, although the political coverage was about the same on the Mohs scale incisivity, but there were fewer blogs to choose from, so more bored readers chose MfBJN). But some days, all I have are cat memes.
With the five cats we have, it’s pretty clear that any cat picture I see, we will have a cat that looks like that (see also this).
So when I saw a meme on my cousin-in-law’s Facebook wall, I knew my cat had to respond.
Our newest cat is quite an eater. He came into the house weighing something like nine pounds, and now he’s twice that. We call him “Foot” although his chip name is Mercury because he is always where we are, at our feet, and often stopping. If you’re headed to the downstairs refrigerator or coffee pot, near his food, he will take up a position trotting ahead of you, stopping about every step to turn his head to see if you’re following, and when we get there, he’ll have a couple of bites.
Clearly, he still suffers from some sort of food insecurity even though he’s got two bowls of food to choose from all day long.