Meanwhile, Somewhere Else, Police Join Firefight and Firemen Watch Conflagration

What should we make of this headline from CNN? Jenna Bush Agents Join Fistfight. Pic:

CNN Headline
(Click for full size.)

Article text:

Bodyguards for President Bush’s daughter Jenna Bush were entangled in a fistfight with two men trying to steal a cell phone in southern Spain, a U.S. Embassy official said Tuesday.

So a couple of Secret Service agents prevent a couple of hoodlums from stealing something, and CNN casts it as bodyguards of Jenna Bush joining a fistfight?

That’s some damn deep, invasive bias that prevents a journalist from writing facts and where every single news story predigested interpretation. Just open up your maws, little cheepies, and mama CNN will regurgitate its truth down your gullet for your own good.

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