Social Engineering Sampler

  • Frank W. Abagnale identifies 10 ways to stop identity theft cold. Slow down, Iceman. It won’t make you a superhero capable of stopping any or all identity theft in the world, but it will remind you ways to make it harder for the badmen to get your identity. Best line:

    Only amateurs hack into computers; pros hack into people.

    For you damn kids out there, Frank Abagnale is the guy depicted in Catch Me If You Can. He makes Mitnick look like a script kiddie in meatspace.

  • Challenged by a department store honcho, this guy goes into a store and walks out with $3500 in computers without paying.

    (Link seen on IMAO.)

Be careful out there, my students, and remember to trust no one, especially your shidoshi of paranoia.

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