PachyBlogging, Day3, Part XI

Homie alert! A rep from Wisconsin. With cattle on the backdrop. If only they could pipe some of that wonderful dairy-air into the Madison Square Garden.

He’s got a bit more energy.

Why do all the Wisconsin politicians have first names for first names and last names?

  • Gary George
  • Tommy Thompson
  • Tony Earl
  • Herb Kohl (Cole, okay, a stretch)
  • Paul Ryan
  • Michael Ellis
  • Gerald Kleczka

He’s trying to recapture a bit of Steele’s “But not John Kerry” mojo from last night.

He’s an earnest anti-Kerry bludgeon.

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PachyBlogging, Day3, Part VII

Why is Rob Portman getting more response than Elaine Chao? Are the delegates hoping to impress Natalie?

He’s a little more fluid of a speaker than Chao; he’s not pausing for applause that’s not forthcoming. You don’t wait for the response and hope your pause will spur it.

Unfortunately, Portman seems confounded by the role of the executive branch and the legislative branch, which is I guess to be expected when one’s dealing with the nomination of the executive branch.

America cannot win in the global business environment; it can only compete effectively, perpetually. Or not. The only way to win would be to amass all the world’s land and resources….


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PachyBlogging, Day3, Part VI

Elaine Chao is pausing for applause that’s not coming. How sad. The delegates should drink more.

She’s doing okay, but her personal anecdotes aren’t connecting.

When mentioning the divesity in Bush’s cabinet and government, she gets a bit.

Unfortunately, she’s the Secretary of Labor, and she’s talking about education.

Poor woman, trapped in one of the more obviously superfluous departments and blending its mission with another superfluous department’s.

Bush not resting until everyone who wants a job has one? He’s going to look mighty haggard by election day.

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PachyBlogging, Day3, Part III

I tried to turn Owen of Boots and Sabers onto the CSPAN live Internet feed because it has no commentators.

Unfortunately, that means that all we get during the musical numbers is shots of people on the floor dancing. But that’s refill the booze time.

Now get off my Real feed, Owen; when I was the only one on’t, it was pretty smooth. Now that two of us are using Realplayer, it’s getting a little blocky.

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See What You Made Me Do?

So I get 1000 hitz and 1 t-shirt order? You’re making me do naughty things, including dramatic recreations of hypothetical situations wherein Jessica Cutler’s twin sister Monica were to model JC T-Shirt’s Visualize World Hegemony t-shirt:

Note that this is only a dramatic recreation, and no Visualize World Hegemony t-shirts were harmed in the creation of this dramatic recreation.

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Pachy Blogging, Day II, Summation

Not bad. Schwarzenneggar/Bush was a different point/counterpoint approach to the evening, which differed from yesterday’s McCain/Giuliani blend. Arnold’s got the immigrant cred, and his speech made me want to do more for my country and for what’s becoming my party.

I almost was ready to volunteer for phone duty at the local Bush Cheney HQ.

Let me sleep on it, though. I did a couple weeks of phone duty as a telemarketing fundraiser (also when I was 22, concurrent to but not lasting as long as my grocery store job), so I have had my fill of people hanging up on me rudely.

Looking forward to tomorrow. Join me here for PachyBlogging3. Same time, same snark, different booze.

Tonight’s was Fat Bastard Shiraz, by the way. RNC blogging demands something more than beer, even Guinness.

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Pachy Blogging, Day II, XIII

Heather says if I mention the twins, she mentions George P. Fair enough.

I prefer Barbara.

They didn’t do too well, but they’re just 22. What was I doing at 22? Stocking the dairy section at a grocery store. However, I was doing open mikes, so I would have had better timing behind the mike.

So, honey, how about George “Perfect Teeth” Bush?

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Pachy Blogging, Day II, IX

Rod Paige gave a fair speech with, um, vanilla platitudes, and then we cut to a video set in St. Louis.

Although I’m not a fan of federal education spending or St. Louis City schools, the video piqued my attention.

Some of those condemned buildings looked neat, and I’ll bet they are inexpensive.

I bet William Lacy Clay, Jr., would like suburban investors coming into his secure district. I was going to call myself a “whitebread” investor, but I am above using racial epithets, even on myself.

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