Pachy Blogging, Day II, Summation

Not bad. Schwarzenneggar/Bush was a different point/counterpoint approach to the evening, which differed from yesterday’s McCain/Giuliani blend. Arnold’s got the immigrant cred, and his speech made me want to do more for my country and for what’s becoming my party.

I almost was ready to volunteer for phone duty at the local Bush Cheney HQ.

Let me sleep on it, though. I did a couple weeks of phone duty as a telemarketing fundraiser (also when I was 22, concurrent to but not lasting as long as my grocery store job), so I have had my fill of people hanging up on me rudely.

Looking forward to tomorrow. Join me here for PachyBlogging3. Same time, same snark, different booze.

Tonight’s was Fat Bastard Shiraz, by the way. RNC blogging demands something more than beer, even Guinness.

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