Number of Days Since We Referred To That Song At Nogglestead: 3

Borepatch has an interesting trivium about the “Sisters” number with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye in White Christmas:

This scene was ad lib, with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye reprising the song from Rosemary Clooney and Vera Ellen. It started as Bing goofing around and everyone thought it was funny so they filmed it. They filmed it several times because people were laughing so much that it was hard to get a clean take. The laughter you see here is genuine.

When we were watching the football game on Sunday night, an ad used that song as the background music for…. Well, I don’t remember what the ad was for. But I asked my youngest what film it was from as (I think) we watched it together a couple of years ago. But he could not recall.

I’m working through some Christmas/holiday films to start the month, but I haven’t yet put the true holiday movies (Holiday Inn, White Christmas, The Bishop’s Wife, Die Hard, Die Hard 2, Lethal Weapon, Invasion USA, etc.) into the queue yet as I have so, so many movies to watch that I have not seen before and/or which are not hidden somewhere amongst our media library.

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