It’s Been A Long Time Since I Read That

Glorious Trash reviews the first part of F.M Busby’s Demu Trilogy, Cage A Man.

When I bought a couple of Busby’s other paperbacks in 2011, I said:

Two F.M. Busby science fiction novels in the Star Rebel series. I read Busby’s Demu trilogy a long time ago. They didn’t put me off his work forever, just twenty years or so.

Make that 30 years now; I read the Demu trilogy in high school or early college. Probably bought it at the flea market up the hill from the trailer park or at a paperback exchange in Milwaukee at the beginning of college.

What’s funny is that the books are in the forefront paperback on one of the shelves on my office, so I have passed over them an awful lot in the past couple of years. Seeing this book review (at greater length than I generally go to, as you probably can guess) might trigger me to pick one of them up presently. And if I like it, I will pick up the other in something less than 30 years, maybe.

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