The Time Has Come

I don’t want to make you feel old, old man, but the song “1985” is closer to the actual 1985 than it is to today.

I warned you last year that this post was coming. And still you returned, dreading the day it would come.

Also, I don’t want you to think this blog is old, old man, but here’s my post when I first heard the song in September 2004.

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3 thoughts on “The Time Has Come

  1. I am not sure I have. Maybe 20 years ago.

    I hear about kids these days watching TikTok for hours, and I think, “I would never do that.” 1988 Brian J. would disagree with me, but he’s busy watching MTV and VH1 for hours waiting for that one video to come on.

    My youngest has started building his awesome Spotify playlist, and he listens to a lot of the same music I did. I’m thinking about popping in a videocassette of Billy Joel’s music videos in and watching his reaction. Sadly, yes, I own videocassettes of music videos. Billy Joel, Weird Al, George Michael, Ray Stevens, and maybe the Triplets. I don’t know what that says about me except perhaps I came of age at a strange time.

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