Not A Flattering Comparison

How four Wisconsin women made Forbes’ list of the richest self-made women in America:

Four Wisconsin businesswomen were named to Forbes’ 2023 list of the 100 richest self-made women in America, alongside international superstars like Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian and BeyoncĂ©.

Real businesswomen compared to pop tarts. Businesses who build/sell things are just like celebrities who…. well, I guess two of the three sing.

As I saw the headline, I tried to guess the companies the women founded/run, and I only got two of four (ABC Supply and Epic Systems). I had forgotten that ULine was based in Wisconsin and is credited to self-making its current owner (both the woman running Uline founded the business with their husbands, so self-made diminishes the contributions of their husbands). I also guessed Trek bikes would be on the list, but I guess not.

Still, to compare people doing real work with mere entertainers diminishes them.

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