Yesterday, LaDonna Greiner finally visited ABC Books to sign copies of her book I’m Here For A Purpose; as I mentioned in that book report, I had already purchased two signed copies of the book at two other book signings. But as I’d recommended she have a book signing at ABC Books as well, of course I made a point to stop by and get another copy after wracking my brain to figure out to whom to give the book. I settled on my grandmother and aunt in Wisconsin and headed up to ABC Books. Mrs. Greiner made sure to give me one of the new printings of the book where she corrected a typo that I pointed out after reading the book.
I picked up a couple other things as well.
I also got:
- Yogi: It Ain’t Over…. by Yogi Berra with Tom Horton, one of his autobiographical books.
- Letters from a Stoic by Seneca. It’s a Penguin Classics edition formerly used as someone’s textbook complete with highlighting, probably in the spring semester since one does not see the classics in used book stores at all–they must not last long at all. But I have one now.
- The Ultimate Guide to Home Butchering by Monte Burch, a new book I bought just in case I’m called upon to butcher animals–you know, after. Pretty sure it does not have cats, though.
- Ozark Voices: Oral Histories from the Heartland by Alex Sandy Primm. I missed his book signing, and when I asked Mrs. E. about a copy of the book without knowing the exact name or the author’s name, she eventually guessed what I meant by my vocal charades game and told me she was out of stock, but the author was going to bring more. ABC Books had plenty in stock, so I grabbed one. I was surprised to see when the proprietrix was checking me out that it was $30 and not the $12 or $15 local author books tend to sell for. So I hope I like it when I get around to it. Although I do tend to like local histories, and this looks to be a more serious study than some self-published works I’ve seen.
So I will have plenty to read once I finish The Story of Civilization. I am almost done with Our Oriental Heritage, so I’m thinking maybe I can read two volumes of the Durants’ work every year, which will mean I finish the series in 2029.
As if.
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