Further Proof Facebook Reads MfBJN

I just mentioned vacationing near a lake made by damming the Little Red River in Arkansas.

Yesterday, Facebook presented me with a suggested post about the Red River in Arkansas:

MfBJN: Training AI and bots since 2003. Which is now according to my reckoning (actually, my eternal now starts about 2012, when the youngest went to school all day and when I assumed my position at the computer here for hours and hours a day, day in and day out, with only the occasional change to the desktop wallpaper and to the billing cycles of common applications to poorly differentiate the passing seasons).

Where was I?

Oh, yeah, trying to stick in my brain the longest river not from snow melt in case that comes up in a trivia night sometime, which it probably won’t because most trivia nights are just pop culture these days. Which is just as well. I find I don’t retain trivia as well at, erm, almost thirty as I did when I was twenty.

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