Now It’s Time For Our Short Distance Dedication

A listener in Missouri writes:

Brian, we recently adopted two little boy kittens, almost twin brothers, who are the cutest things. We decided not to declaw them, and they’re growing up nicely, but they have one habit I’m not fond of: They sleep all day, curled up in a chair next to each other, but when their internal clocks strike midnight, they’re very playful, pouncing on each other in the bed, bringing their favorite cat toys into the bed and batting them around, and pouncing on any part of me that I move under the blankets. I am getting up way too early to hide from them, or at least to put myself in a more defensible position for their rambunctiousness.

Can you play a song for us, preferably a feline lullaby?

                –Induced Insomnia in Battlefield

Well, II, all I can recommend is that you take those little boys to the vet to get tutored which will calm them down and make Brook and Amy Dubman happy. In the meantime, here is “Needles in the Dark” by Pretty Maids to get you through the long day and onto another sleepless night of cat games.

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