This morning, we were headed down County Highway FF, and a couple of kids along side the road were holding a sign for a rummage sale in front of their little storefront church. So we stopped.
I got a couple books.
Most notably, I got:
- A couple of Conan novels written by people who are not Robert E. Howard and another book about Conan also not written by Robert E. Howard. These will complement the complete Conan stories I’m working my way through.
- A couple of books based on X-Box games in the Prime Dark and Brute Force mythoses.
- A picture book of Thailand history.
- A couple of VHS tapes as insurance. That is, I bought Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Batman Forever just in case I didn’t already own them.
- A collection of Shirley Temple films.
- The novelization of Terminator 2: Judgment Day
- A book about kids in the outdoors in the Ozarks.
The kids made out like bandits, and the wife got some CDs. Not bad for $20.