They Control The Horizontal

Instapundit links to a PDF letter from C-SPAN to forthcoming House Speaker Boehner about relinquishing control of the cameras in the House chamber to C-SPAN. Apparently, the House itself controls them now, and C-SPAN wants the ability to show wide angle shots and reaction shots.

I wrote a reaction letter to Instapundit, I wrote the following:

I’d expect some resistance. If C-SPAN could show wide-angle shots, it would show viewers how few legislators actually attend debates on the weighty issues and the calls of History. While the number of those present probably exceeds the number of legislators who read the bills these days, it would provide pretty visible evidence of how unseriously most of our elected leaders take their roles. Or more would have to actually show up. Our Congressmen most likely want to avoid either of these inconveniences.

Just so.

Hopefully, a new incoming Republican Congress will recognize what a boon this would be. Also, it would be a nice accompaniment to shorter bills focused on a single thing.

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