Tam encounters northern atmosphere:
When it’s sunny, I feel the urge to live deliberately, like Thoreau, but with dachshunds instead of ants. When the clouds and drizzle come, I instead feel the urge to write about shoggoths shambling about in pet semetaries.
Strangely, my most productive writing period meshes with the time I spent amongst my hearty northern clan, before I moved amongst the luxurious and decadent southern tribes and became soft.
My best writing has come after ruminating on a subject for a few months. Then I sit down and write it in usually one day.
But I don’t write fiction, so maybe the process is different for you creative folks.
My most productive period coincided with the university, so I was spending a lot of time working on fiction and whatnot when I should have been studying.
I’ve managed to turn university time into productive writing time by making papers serve as article-writing opportunities. I’ve already turned one old grad school paper into a magazine article and I’ve better than even odds of getting another one in a peer-reviewed journal of literary criticism. *Fingers crossed*