It’s Not Double Jeopardy, It’s Final Jeopardy

A cop demands a hummer from an underage girl and gets probation. Fortunately for the delicate sensitivities of your Federal government, there’s an alternate charge available.

On Friday, Steven Burgess was sentenced to 14 years in federal prison without parole for violating the girl’s civil rights. His attorney, John O’Connor, said Burgess agreed to the plea bargain because it was better than the life sentence federal prosecutors were prepared to recommend.

So how do you feel knowing that you can be put in an FCI for life for violating someone’s civil rights? Don’t you get the sense that that particular charge is rather elastic?

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2 thoughts on “It’s Not Double Jeopardy, It’s Final Jeopardy

  1. That’s the whole point. It makes crime such an elastic concept that whether or not you, the ordinary citizen, goes to prison is at the discretion of a prosecutor.

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