Right Hand Called, Left Hand’s Phone Was Busy

You know what those of us with credible city experience call this:

Police were at a loss to explain why thieves removed the license plates of 32 vehicles in the Skinker-DeBaliviere neighborhood in the city’s West End over the last few days.

A slow night.

And special good kudos for this insight that the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:

“This is the first I’ve heard of anything like this,” Sgt. Al Nothum, spokesman for Troop C of the Missouri Highway Patrol, said of the rash of license plate thefts.

“Maybe the thief is taking the plate to get to the tab later, but then, why not snip the tab off instead of taking just as much time or more to unscrew the plate?”

Wholly guacamole, the stunning ignorance on display here is twofold:

  • The St. Louis Post-Dispatch runs to the Highway Patrol for a comment? Of course the Highway Patrol hasn’t heard of this. Stealing license plates/tags is a local offense; you would call the City of St. Louis police department or whatever municipality you live in when you discover someone in the Central West End has stolen your tabs
  • The state Highway Patrol is obviously unaware that the Missouri Department of Transportation recommends putting the registration tabs in the center of your license plate these days specifically to prevent people from cutting off the corners of license plates if the registration tabs are there.

Cut crisscrosses in your registration stickers, the thieves will snip the corner of the plate. Put the registration stickers in the middle of the plate, the thieves will steal the plates. Got any more good ideas, public officials?

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