The litigious nature of our society is again imperiling our access to health care and doctors: Mo. doctors to sue over midwife law:
Legislation allowing midwives to deliver babies at home in Missouri will probably be challenged in court by doctors’ groups.
The measure was approved by lawmakers last month as part of larger health insurance bill signed June 1 by Gov. Matt Blunt. Most of the bill won’t take effect until January, but the section on midwifery becomes effective in August.
Opposition to the midwifery provision is led by the Missouri State Medical Association. The organization’s lobbyist, Tom Holloway, said the group expected to file suit to block the provision next week in Cole County Circuit Court.
Oh, sorry, my fault; this is actually a bill about doctors suing to prevent access to other health care providers because the doctors know that they should be the only ones legally eligible to receive tax money for delivering babies.
Doctors suing to keep health costs up so that they can continue to receive their rates for delivery and hospital stays or whatnot.
I’m not going to argue about whether it’s better to have a child in the hospital surrounded by expensive scientific instruments unneeded in most deliveries or at home, chanting in a Gaia circle with a midwife. You know, that’s where freedom comes in. People can choose the stupid or the merely less ideal.
But not if this collective of Missouri doctors has its way.