Congressional Hearings To Follow

Milk price to take jump:

It costs more to drive to the store these days – and once you get there, you can expect to pay more for milk.

Driven up by high transportation costs, an increase in feed prices and even a drought in Australia, the price of milk is likely to rise by up to 40 cents a gallon over the next few months, dairy market forecasters say. Cheese prices could go up by 60 cents a pound.

If the increases occur, a gallon of whole milk would cost an average of $3.78 nationwide, based on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s monthly survey of milk prices in 30 metro areas.

Sure, the milk industry says it’s rising costs, but is it really….

  • Record profits in the milk industry?
  • Collusion with the soft drink industry to sell more soda to children and their parents?
  • Government meddling to make children more unhealthy so unelected and “merit”-based government employees can further erode parental authority ?

Because once we go off the rails of believing people who actually know and study the industry, we open ourselves to the infinite possibilities our uninformed minds can confect. That, my friends, is the essence of freedom.

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