It’s a Trap

Two researchers at MIT have created a man-control mechanism given the chickly name "loving cups" designed to control males:

Researchers have come up with a novel way to keep long-distance lovers in touch — high-tech wine glasses that glow warmly however far apart the pining couple are.

When either person picks up a glass, red light-emitting diodes glow on their partner’s glass. When one puts a glass to their lips, the other glass glows brightly.

Guys, they have couched this into some touchy-feely chick experience of shared love, communal libation, or what have you, but that’s just the hook. The real purpose of the contraption is to provide her with an alarm that alerts her to how much you drink. Sure, it’s a wineglass now, but soon it will no doubt be embedded in your favorite fraternity mug.

All I got to say is that these things should have an epilepsy warning associated with them, particularly if they’re going to blink every time I take a drink.

(Link seen on Electric Venom.)

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