Taking the Step Down from Mechanical

More software problems with cars:

A software problem is causing some Toyota Prius gas-electric hybrid cars to stall or shut down while driving at highway speeds, according to a published report.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the problem involves Priuses from the 2004 model year and some early 2005 models.

The newspaper reports the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has logged 13 reports of the engine shutdowns, while Edmunds.com, a popular vehicle-information and shopping site, has had 13 individuals post complaints in a Prius forum. Some of the cars that shut down had to be towed to the shop before they could be restarted.

Well, that’s the side effect of moving from mechanical engineering, which has had thousands of years of quality assurance to software engineering, which was supposed to have two weeks of quality assurance but development ran long, so it got two days, including a three hour status meeting and a two hour argument about which defects to fix before release and which to fix after the release.

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