Senator Bond Battles Fiscal Responsibility

Once again, Christopher “Pork” Bond promises to fight fiscal responsibility if it, you know, impacts his voters:

U.S. Sen. Christopher “Kit” Bond, R-Mo., said during a news conference outside the base gate Friday that he was “stunned” by the recommendation [to split up the area’s 131st Fighter Wing at Lambert Field, to relocate the Army Human Resources Command from Overland, and to move the Defense Finance and Accounting Service as part of BRAC] and promised to fight it.

“It has very clear homeland security implications that must be considered and, I do not believe, have been adequately considered by the Pentagon,” Bond said.

Because, you know, the Pentagon has overlooked homeland security and military considerations which a senator, whose job involves bloviating on all sorts of unfocused topics, sees immediately. The important homeland security functions provided by the Human Resources Command, you see, which only possible Bond voters can provide adequately.

Perhaps Bond means his homeland job security implications, which puts him in the chorus of local democrats (William Clay, Charles Dooley, and Francis Slay). Excellent company you’re keeping, Senator. Those of us who value fiscal conservatism in our federal legislators have taken note.

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