Fanboy Attack!

In his review of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Mark Steyn makes a gaffe:

The ordinariness of Freeman is just right for the Dent role. To see him on some dusty lunarscape is to see the essence of Douglas Adams’s paradoxical world: a vast corner of a very foreign galaxy that is forever England — or, as one book title put it, The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul.

But The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul is a Dirk Gently novel, not one of the five books (and one short story *) in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy trilogy.

* Of course, the short story is “Young Zaphod Plays It Safe” which is available in the anthology editions. You did know that, didn’t you?

Mark Steyn, who has a British-sounding accent, should have known better. He’s trying to pass as informed but, :: sniff ::, he is obviously not.

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