The Root of the Problem: Not Enough Money for My Organization

Horror: Compulsive gambling fuels criminal habits: Mother of 3 stole $520,000 to keep playing, and lost it

On the one-year anniversary of the last time she gambled, Pamela Wick was upbeat. She’s five months into a 10-year prison term for stealing more than $520,000, then losing it all – and more – at casinos.

“It’s a new beginning for me,” Wick, a mother of three, said in an interview last month at the Taycheedah Correctional Institution in Fond du Lac County. “It’s a whole new feeling that life can be normal.

“I’m really glad that I came here. It was time for me to accept responsibility.”

Accept responsibility after she got caught. Oh, she’s saying the right things for the parole board hearings to come.

Stories like this make me angry, because the helpful government wraps us all in stifling protective legislation to keep the few knuckleheads like this safe. People so consumed with stupid pursuits of destructive pleasures that they break the law and inspire new regulation to prevent the impetus the person had for breaking the law.

Let’s get to the nutty graph, where science and statistics are cast aside in favor of the almighty anecdote:

While there are no statistics on how many people run afoul of the law for gambling in the state, anecdotal evidence suggests that people such as Wick and Verbunker are becoming increasingly common, said Rose Gruber, executive director of the Wisconsin Council on Problem Gambling. The number of calls to the council’s gambling helpline has nearly tripled since 1996, with callers reporting escalating amounts of gambling debt.

“Every time we turn around, we hear about someone else,” Gruber said. “I would say that in the last two or three years, we’ve seen an increase.”

Ah, yes, an organization that exists to study and fight the problem tell us that the problem exists and is increasing. “I would say” hardly merits new rules, new funding, and any sympathy for burglars and embezzlers who are really just sick people with an addiction and no adultness to combat it.

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