St. Louis County Excited to Seize Tax Money from Employees

Well, that’ how I would have titled this story, which the St. Louis Post-Dispatch entitled “St. Louis County lures 300 jobs from Alton”:

Smurfit-Stone Container Corp. will move 300 jobs from Alton to Creve Coeur as part of a deal with St. Louis County that could net the company up to $4.2 million in tax breaks.

Those workers will move into a new 10-story headquarters building just off Interstate 270 and Olive Boulevard, where they’ll be joined by 200 employees from Clayton and a dozen or so from Chesterfield, under the deal unveiled Friday.

You see, the corporation is getting $4,200,000 in tax breaks, but the St. Louis County Executive says:

    “Of course I’m excited,” said County Executive Charlie Dooley. “When someone tells you they’re going to move jobs someplace else, you take it very seriously. We need to do this to expand our tax base and keep our tax burden low.”

That expanded tax base isn’t coming from the company, dear friends. It’s coming from the employees who will have to travel further to work but will have to buy lunch in Missouri instead of Illinois, expanding the St. Louis County sales tax base. It will help, too, when they gas up here, since they can pay for our roads more cheaply than they can pay for Illinois roads.

Remember, St. Louis County government serves itself and its corporate juicers, not the residents. If you don’t believe it, buy a house where developers will want to build a strip mall in 2014.

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