Now He Finds The Veto

Bush threatens to veto Medicare changes:

President Bush on Friday threatened to veto any changes Congress tries to make to Medicare’s new prescription drug benefit, which takes effect in January 2006.

“I signed Medicare reform proudly and any attempt to limit the choices of our seniors and to take away their prescription drug coverage under Medicare will meet my veto,” Bush said at a swearing-in ceremony for Mike O. Leavitt, the new secretary of Health and Human Services.

Yeah, I voted for him. So now he threatens to veto any attempt to rein in the profligate spending-to-buy-votes. As his first veto in five years in office.

With great power comes great irresponsibility, perhaps, but at least he’s not as bad as the other guy would have been, and his foreign policy will allow us to live in a world safer than the alternatives so we can enjoy a future of financial collapse. But man, sometimes I have to work at convincing myself.

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