No Live Blogging Here

Ladies and gentlemen, I am not live blogging the second presidential debate, although I have watched about twenty minutes of it too much (which, oddly enough, was about twenty minutes). I am voting for Bush, and every time Kerry opens his mouth, I start spitting and cursing and quite frankly, I cannot afford the bib cleaning bills.

I don’t dislike Kerry as a person, because I don’t know him. And although I can snark a bit here among friends, I don’t think he’s necessarily a lying, conniving coward. I have no way of knowing. He’s never started a bar fight and run off while I got pounded.

I do know that almost everything I hear him attack George Bush for, particularly in domestic agenda, blurs the division of government powers laid out by our Constitution and sometimes even blurs the line between government and private life, and if we elect someone who thinks that the President, not the Congress led by the House of Representatives, spends tax dollars or that the only the George Bush’s obstinance and not understanding of economic and human nature principals holds up drug reimportation schemes, well, I guess we’ll be ready to elect someone who’s willing to nationalize industries to protect the children and are ready to dismiss the Congress to save money better spent on unelected bureaucracies run by appointees of Our Glorious Leader.

Some people impugn Bush and his administration for their simple devotion to protecting the country from threats abroad and for enforcing the ill-conceived lawa passed on by the too-comfortable and too-protected-from-the-consequences-of-their-actions legislators. But I, almost alone it seems, recognize that the executive branch of the government, including the President, only has those powers granted by the legislature.

And when I hear a legislator, or an alleged legislator whose absence from the legislature has not matched the legislator’s willingness to forego pay that we taxpayers like to give to practicing members of that hallowed profession, when I hear that pseudo legislator bloviating about the president spending money, or running a deficit, or cutting anything, I….well, I’ve explained what I do.

Hasn’t it occurred to any other voter but me that the entire reason John F. Kerry enjoys his $200,000 income tax bracket is because he’s supposed to be a Senator? Come on, the really rich in America aren’t paying income taxes, they’re paying capital gains, if anything at all. Oh, but Senator Kerry as Supreme Leader would exercise powers not granted to the Constitution to repeal the tax cuts granted to the “richest” Americans, and at the same time he’s lambasting that these people get tax cuts while President Bush hasn’t single-handedly created five million jobs.

Pardon my misunderstanding of economics as a small business owner, but galdern, “Senator” Kerry, but when you’re wanting to soak those who make two hundred thousand dollars a year and “Big Corporations,” who’s going to hire the unemployed? Last I looked in the want ads, I didn’t find many $30,000 a year junior technical writers or $25,000 printers looking to hire five million people. Not even two and a half miillion each. So where do you think the capital is going to come from to keep the economy going?

Oh, I forget, the government will have us all working in its Bureau of Pharmacology, where we can work ten hours a day turning the manual pill-presses to grind out some acetylsalicylic acid to cure any ailment our citizens–who’ll return to the time-honored tradition of dying before they’re sixty–have.

I’d say a pox on ya, Senator Kerry and his idealogical counterparts, but I am still trying real hard to merely pity you instead.

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