When Television Critics Attack!

Former television critic and now the peter principled head of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch editorial page Eric Mink asks a vital question:

Why would anyone who is concerned about the safety of his family, the security of our country and the fight against Islamist terrorism favor Bush?

Because Bush is responsible for 9/11:

Speaking in Des Moines last month, Vice President Dick Cheney warned that electing the wrong person in November could increase the danger that “we’ll fall back into the pre-9/11 mind-set. . . .” Bush owns nine months of that mind-set.

It’s not fair to blame Bush for those attacks, although six of the 10 “missed opportunities” to stop them identified by the 9/11 commission occurred on his watch. But it is fair to hold him responsible for the rigidity of his White House bureaucracy and the lackadaisical attitude toward al-Qaida, both of which made America more vulnerable before Sept. 11, 2001.

Is Mink admitting he’s unfair? He starts the second paragraph of that quote with “It’s not fair to blame Bush for those attacks” and puts that admission among:

  • “Bush owns nine months of that [pre-9/11] mind-set.”
  • “six of the 10 “missed opportunities” to stop them identified by the 9/11 commission occurred on his watch.”
  • “it is fair to hold him responsible for the rigidity of his White House bureaucracy and the lackadaisical attitude toward al-Qaida, both of which made America more vulnerable”

In other words, Eric Mink is unfair.

Eric Mink must be a fat lady:

The U.S. military won a stellar victory in Afghanistan in 2001, but Bush failed to follow through on the pursuit of Osama bin Laden and, much more important, failed to fulfill commitments to secure and rebuild the country.

Because apparently he feels our commitment to Afghanistan has ended and he’s writing the post-mortem. Notwithstanding the coming elections there, notwithstanding our continuing partnership with the Afghan people, and notwithstanding that Afghanistan will soon surpass its condition before the war if it hasn’t already. Perhaps Mink expected that, two years later, Afghanistan would be a trendy gentrified urban hotspot.

Ah, screw it. I don’t have the tolerance to refute Mink line by line.

Go read it yourself if you have the stomach. Meanwhile, I think I’ll go back to reading Emily Dickinson and demonstrating unabashed Packer partisanship.

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