Register and Win

I don’t know how I feel about this: Vote or

Hi. We’re Jim Young and James Hong, better known to the users of our website HOT or NOT as just “Jim and James”. You may be wondering why the heck we’re doing this, so here’s our explanation.

We want you, and every person that is eligible, to vote. This is something we feel passionate about. We know we’re just 2 guys, but we believe that 2 guys with a good idea who are willing to work hard and put their time and money where their mouths are can make a difference… just like one person’s vote – YOUR vote – can make a difference.

In a nutshell, we’re doing this because we care, and because we can. We also like the idea of doing this because nobody else has done it before, and we like to do crazy, new things.

So register to vote if you haven’t already done so, enter to win our money, and drastically improve your chances of winning by getting your friends to register too. We hope you win. (and if you do, it’d sure be nice if you took us out to dinner with some of that cash).

— Jim and James

Not about getting people to vote; that these guys have $200,000 to give away. Envy? Oh, yeah.

Of course, if you must know how I really feel, click the above link and enter. If you win, the person who referred you gets $100,000. Since you haven’t hit the tip jar recently, it’s the least you could do for me.

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