Poor Form, Steinberg

Neil Steinberg, of the Chicago Sun-Times, today:

The spirit of Wendell Willkie doesn’t get invoked much by Republicans for one big reason: He lost. But there was Dick Cheney at the convention Wednesday night, harkening back to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s opponent in the 1940 election, and how Willkie, though running against him, nevertheless supported FDR’s foreign policy. Cheney did leave out one small detail: Willkie supported FDR’s stance toward the war in Europe because he agreed with it.

In Al Franken’s book, this makes Neil Steinberg a LYING LIAR who tells LIES!!!!

To some of us, though, it looks like a big journalism mistake wherein a professional either mistakes Dick Cheney for Zell Miller because they look so alike, or because he didn’t watch the speeches or attentively read transcripts thereof and whose editors down the line made the same mistake.

So be it. I don’t question Steinberg’s core integrity; I do shake my head over his errors in thought and word.

Zell Miller’s speech here.
Dick Cheney’s speech here.

Press ALT+F and type WILKIE into the Find What edit box. Cripes, do I have to explain everything?

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