A Little Perspective From….Tie Domi?

The hockey playoffs have started, and the highly-paid athletes have begun puffing themselves and their profession with hyperbolic metaphor.

Tie Domi, the Toronto Maple Leafs enforcer known as the Albanian Aggressor, interjected a little perspective:

Domi did want to get something else off his chest, however. Peter Bondra said he thinks the series could be “a war.”

“Using the word war is getting a little stupid in our game, especially in our rivalry,” Domi said. “Out of respect to the war that is going on, I don’t think it should be used. Those guys are fighting a real war and it is insulting to them.”

I never thought I would utter or type these words, but Tie Domi is right.

(Link seen on Hockey Pundits, whose commenters all attack Domi for the comments. I assume they’re Canadians and don’t need perspective, since they’re ultimately protected in their myopia by their benevolent neighbor.)

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