Under the Beltway

Over at Wizbang!, Kevin Aylward describes what happens when you write to your member of Congress:

Inbound letters and calls are ‘issue coded’. For example, if you write a letter to your representative in which you urge the member to support gun control legislation, the staff members who open and read the mail enter a record of the correspondence and select a gun control issue code. If you address multiple topics you get multiple codes.

The staffer at that point has the option of creating a response (which as I recall they usually do) by picking one or more items from a list of issue talking points.

Keep that in mind when any of you (El Guapo) write to your representative. Your call is important to us….please stay on the line and you will be answered in the order your call was received…..

It also explains an experience my mother had writing to her representative, Richard “Il DicK” Gephardt. She wrote complaining that her particular military command was becoming a fully non-smoking environment; his reply was that he was really trying to keep the command open.

She voted for Wheelehan, Federer, and would have even written in her dog’s name on even-numbered years to keep from voting for him.

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