Troubleshooting Blogger

I realize I am but a knuckle-dragging software tester, so take pity on me, oh soon-to-be-IPOed development staff at Pyra Labs Google, but I think I know what’s wrong with your permalinking here on my site.

The <$BlogItemArchiveFileName$> server-side variable is not currently including the name of my archive directory, strangely enough entitled /archives/, into the path; ergo, when a user clicks this permalink, it leads them to the archive filename and post number in my root directory, but the archive file is not in that directory. It’s in /archives/.

Please translate this into Hindi and have Uncle Ray’s friends fix the problem.

Also, if one of my dear readers wants to link directly to my post, please add the archives directory to the URL by hand. For example, if you right-click the permalink link at the bottom of the post and select “Properties,” you’ll see this URL currently:

If you add the /archives/ directory to the URL, like so:

It will work.

Undoubtedly, will acknowledge this problem once they have it solved. In a couple of weeks.

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